Windhorse Full Moon Ceremony ~ Beltane & Wesak Come join Linda & Shelley to Celebrate under the Full Moon in Ceremony!!! POWERFUL FULL MOON CEREMONY FOR BELTANE WESAK ENERGIES [...]
Magical Blessings to you all… Wow…what a tremendous 2017 that included a Total Solar Eclipse for us in the USA. So many changes this year within oneself and outer manifestation. May [...]
Clarion Call of Total Solar Eclipse of August Yes, did you get kicked in the butt too? We’ve been asked to step up and begin our next phase of Ascension and Dharma. We will be integrating [...]
Shamanic Empath Healers Training ~ Starting Saturday, 4/15/17, 10am-5pm Hi Everyone… I am so happy to facilitate this in-depth training and exploration with you just as we open up to [...]
Ok, this is it…No webinar, no teleseminar, no big launch on social media or multi-media!!! Just me talking to you direct from my heart to invite you to join me in a small intimate group for [...]
Lightfoot is off to another Adventure… I am SO happy to continue my Shamanic Training with don Oscar Mira-Quesada from Peru. He carries such love, wisdom, and great medicine! Keep [...]
Hello Fellow Lightworkers I am so excited to share a major breakthrough with you that involves my current students that are half way through their Shamanic Empath Healers Training. We were [...]