Magical Mystical Momentum 2018

 In Shaman Healer News, Windhorse Adventures News, Year in Review - Windhorse Adventures

Magical Blessings to you all…

Wow…what a tremendous 2017 that included a Total Solar Eclipse for us in the USA.  So many changes this year within oneself and outer manifestation.  May this find you in more peaceful celebratory times to finish out the year in Good Vibrations!!!  Music helps a lot with some crazy dancing!!!

Just want to say MUCHO THANKS to all our Windhorse Adventure Attendees who created Sacred Circle with us.  We love you all and always look forward to our shared gatherings, so keep an eye open for 2018 announcements.

We hope you will join us for a New Year’s Horseback Ride in Griffith Park to start things off in Celebration & Magic.

Shelley and Linda for ready to ride…are YOU?

Meet at Studio Stables:  914 S. Mariposa St, Burbank 91506

Time:  2 hour ride to Emir’s Garden 2pm-4pm

Cash:  $50 for horse & wrangler tip

(Free Celebration Ceremony in Emir’s Garden)

RSVP:  Text Linda at 818-239-2026

Must have commitment to attend to hold horse for you.  Very busy day for stables.  Thank you to honor this.


And lastley, a special Thanks & Blessing to all my students of Shamanic Empath Healers Training & Certification as we continue into 2018.  You are all doing SO GREAT.  I look forward to more powerful sessions and more techniques to learn.  You’re going to love it all.

New classes starting in January for those interested in strengthening their Intuition, Ceremonial work, & Soul Path.  The 2018 Schedule will be forthcoming…Private Sessions and Gift Certificates are always available…see you all soon.

Enjoy, Rest, & Renew for the final days of 2017.

See you in 2018…

Love to All Our Friends…

Linda & Paul  

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